Children Empowerment

YP runs following Projects for Children Empowerment :

Children Sponsorship

In order to address to the needs of poor and destitute children we have a program called Children Sponsorship. Through this program we provide financial help to those children whose parents come from very low-income group.  This help is given to meet their study expenses. Presently we are helping more than 80 children financially to meet their study expenses because their parents are so poor that they cannot afford to send their children to school. Children stay with their family but their physical needs are sponsored by YP. We intend to increase the number of children as the resources grow. Through this project even the poor of the poorest child could dream for a better study life.

Children Club

YP runs  Children clubs for the holistic development of kids in the slums. About 300 children are given basic care and guidance by 12 volunteers at these clubs every week.  Most of the children come from different walks of life and religious background. In these clubs they are encouraged to focus on academic educations, beside moral teachings, mannerism, basic teachings on health and hygiene. They love the snacks/light food for refreshment provided to them.  We arrange cultural programs and important national celebrations at these clubs from time to time.  Emphasis is given on character building and living in harmony in the society. However, the main focus is, every child understands the value and meaning of their lives  and their lives are transformed and worth living in this world and for eternity.

Educational Camp

Educational camp is a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer/winter months. Children and adolescents who attend summer camp are known as campers. These camps and programs are alternative classrooms and learning settings – sometimes without walls – that help children advance an educational interest or skill.

There are camps for the performing artsmusicmagiccomputers, language learning, mathematics, children with special needs. The focus of the Camp is to strengthen children in extra curriculum activities. Children from every walk of live have been participating in our various camps.

A normal duration of camp is between 3 to 10 days. Volunteers from India and overseas has been coming together to impart into the lives of children. Each child is given personal focus by certain volunteers. Participation kids are also given many gifts such as shoes, cloths, caps, wristbands, notebooks, story books, pens, pencils and other stationeries.