Skill Development

Skill Development Center

A Center to help underprivileged youth and women to learn skills and stand on their own feet. People in our target area mostly do not have enough education to get a good pay job in the market place. Sometimes young people do not have enough resources to continue their study or to learn their desire skills. Thus YP has set up a Center where people can come and learn skill which can help them earning their livelihood and support their families too.

At present YP have following Centers of Skill Development:

Computer Learning Center

The Center provides all basic courses in computer basic to those interested in computer learning. Mostly young boys and girls from underprivileged families come and learn their desired course here. Computers and free internet are available to all students at our Center.

Sewing Center

Sewing and embroidery has become a popular source of income for ladies now a day. Ladies and young girls are being trained in our sewing centre. After the training they are being provided needed necessary equipment to start their own business.

School of Beauty

Beauty industry has been a fastest growing business in today’s world. It is very popular area of work for women in India. By seeing this need YP decided to help young girls and women to equip themselves to become a beautician and stand on their own feet. YP runs school of beauty training program for underprivileged girls. Through these training women are becoming financially independent to help their families.

Sponsorship for Skill Development

There are many students who want to learn other skills not provided at our Center. In such case YP helps them to find a good and suitable place to learn their desired skill. YP takes care of their entire financial expenses including tuition fee, travel expenses and personal expenses regarding the course.

You can help a youth or underprivileged woman to learn skill by sponsoring them to go to an institute. Your one-time investment could become “Once in lifetime investment” to some really needy person. (For details please contact us)