
Introduction to the founding Leader: Rajesh Daniel

Rajesh Daniel was born in a small village in Bihar. His father has been converted from a strong orthodox Hindu family. His father was expelled from the family and later excommunicated by the society because of his faith in Christ Jesus. But he continued to follow and serve Jesus Christ. He did not have much income, which caused his children to live childhood and teenage in severe poverty. Insufficiency in life caused in Rajesh not to put his trust in Jesus. He is 7th of the nine children in his dad’s family. His upbringing, circumstances and ups and downs in life motivated him to believe that there is no such thing called “Plan of God in life”. He always believed that he has to make his own destiny, God is nothing to do with that. I always tried to resist the call of God in my life, says Rajesh Daniel.  He compelled himself not to follow the teachings of the Bible. As a consequence, one day he found himself sunk in sin. He almost became atheist. There came a time in his life that he got fed up with life. He found no reason to live. Meanwhile his dad has been asking him to go to Bible College as he wanted him to serve the Lord. In 1995 he went to Bible College. He forced himself to be the kind of person his dad wanted him to be. But it couldn’t work out. He left the college in 1997 and went back to his old life. In 1999 after being fed up with his life he came to New Delhi, where he had encounter with Jesus Christ. He responded to the call of God in his life. Thus, he continued to be in the service of the Lord since 1999.

Rajesh started serving in a slum  called Baljeet Nagar in Central West part of the city. He started preaching the gospel along with ministering to the children. he also started raising leaders for the work of ministry.

At present he serves as the Chairman of Yeshu Parivar ministries. Also, he is a mentor and coach to many Pastors and leaders serves in his network.  He is a known social activist too. He and his family are completely sold out to disciple making and social reformation.