Prime Projects

Community Food Bank : Feed the Need

70% of Indian population lives below the poverty line. Financial unsustainability has been a great challenge for most of the Indians. Thus, having enough money to buy healthy and hygiene food is very difficult for many people living below poverty marginal line. Government and charitable organization’s supplies are not enough to provide enough food to such a large population.  Community Food Bank

Skill Development Center

A Center to help underprivileged youth and women to learn skills and stand on their own feet. People in our target area mostly do not have enough education to get a good pay job in the market place. Sometimes young people do not have enough resources to continue their study or to learn their desire skills. Skill Development

Slum Literacy Center

Education is one of the most essential needs of human life. But for the people staying in slums, it has been a great challenge to provide good education to their children. People in the slum have very low standard of livelihood due to very limited income. Thus, they certainly need good earning through better earning sources. Slum Literacy Center